Synology server – a robust solution for centralized, secure storage and computer backups

Synology Disk Station

Synology makes a terrific home and small business server, sometimes referred to as an NAS (network attached storage).

I have installed Synology servers at over 8 client locations and, in addition, run one myself.

The Synology server is an economical yet robust and secure piece of hardware for centralized file storage, computer backup storage and more!

I’ve recommended the Synology server to clients for many reasons. It runs on a linux platform, has an easy to use web based management system and it ships with more features than most people will use. I won’t go into all of the features here. They can be found in detail at the Synology web site. But I will go through some of what I’ve found to be the most important.

The Synology servers I employ feature a RAID disk array. What that means is that your data is replicated on two, mirrored, identical, hard disk drives. If one drive should fail, your data is safely stored on the second, for redundancy. Is that fail safe assurance that your data is safe and secure? Well no, there is still the possibility of catastrophic failure including fire, theft and natural disaster – for that reason, your Synology server can be backed up as well. But the chances of two hard drives failing at the same time are remote and the entire device is small and light enough that it can be taken with you in an emergency.

Unlike Windows (and other) servers which require license purchases per user, the Synology server’s linux operating server won’t cost you per user. While there are physical limitations to the number of users, the target consumer for this type of system will never come close to that limit.

You can utilize the Synology server as the destination repository for manual or scheduled backups of the data stored on individual PCs. Synology includes an application named Synology Data Replicator which will run attended or unattended backups scheduled when it is convenient for you. All data stored on the Synology server is password protected and secure.

You can also configure your Synology server to store shared files and folders. Your server can be configured in a workgroup or domain environment for shared, centralized, file storage and conveniently mapped as drives on your Windows workstations.

Of the many more features, your server can be configured for remote access. You can retrieve files from home or when traveling. It includes a fully functional web and email server for web and email hosting. It includes a security/surveillance application for the recording and storage of video from security cameras, which can also be viewed live and captured remotely (this feature does require the purchase of additional camera licenses as well as cameras). You can stream music, and create your own photo galleries of digital pictures.

In addition to remote access of the features mentioned above, Synology includes mobile device applications which allow the full remote access functionality right from your Apple or Android device!

This hardware is well worth considering. Call or email me for more information. I can also provide a demonstration. I haven’t even mentioned the low cost!!