Catch Notes – for mobile devices

One of my favorite apps for Android is Catch Notes.

At the time of this posting, Catch Notes has a user rating of 4.4 with 42,705 downloads.

I use Catch in lieu of paper notes and post-its. I can’t say I’ve used all of the features, so I won’t attempt to describe them all. The features I use most often are the typed Text Notes, the Reminder notes, the Voice Notes, the Checklist notes, and the recently Sketch notes.

Catch, by default, categorizes your notes into a “Space” called “My Ideas”. If you use the app to its fullest and take a lot of notes, you can categorize your notes into different customized “Spaces”.

I used to jot notes down on any scrap of paper available and they would collect and build up in my pockets or brief case. I would try to throw them away when no longer needed. Some, I would lose. Most ended up tattered. Now, I use Catch.

The Checklist notes are aptly named and perfect for lists of any type. I use them for listing items and tools I must remember for field work. I use Checklist notes for shopping lists, for example a list of home repair items that I need to pick up from the hardware department. Before Catch, I don’t think there was a time when I didn’t forget to bring home one item or another that I intended to remember when making my pilgrimage to Lowe’s or Home Depot.

The Voice notes are perfect for when typing is not convenient or simply not an option. Tap to create a voice note and speak your note, the note is saved by date and time.

Reminder notes will pop-up a reminder message at the date and time specified.

Text notes are the standard note entered using your keypad.

Using your phones camera or photo ‘gallery’, you can also save photo notes.

The Sketch notes are the most recent addition and, in my opinion, the coolest of notes, which is why I saved this style for last. Using the touch screen, sketch, draw or write anything you’d like and save it as a note.

You can share notes using social media, collaborate with others, tag, location tag, add attachments to notes, with full search functionality.

There is one more feature that I must mention: the app is free; free with no adds! You haven’t downloaded it yet? 😉

You can find Catch Notes on Google Play. Catch is available for Android, iPhone and iPad. Learn more at