Proper (data) disposal of your old computers

What do you use your computer for?  Do you use it to file your taxes?  Do you purchase items online?  Do you perform financial transactions?  At the bare minimum you have personal information, including communications, that you’d probably rather remain private. Have you ever considered whose hands your data might fall into?

How do you dispose of your old computers?  Do you recycle them?  Do you throw them in the trash? Do you pass them along to someone who might make use of it?  What happens when that person is finished with it?  Where your personal data may end up can be anyone’s guess.

But you deleted your data before you disposed of the computer, you say…  Are you aware that using recovery software, even deleted files, if not properly overwritten, can be retrieved.

If you’d like to ensure that your data is properly removed from an old computer, or old hard drives, please contact me.  I can help.  My disposal techniques adhere to D.O.D. (Department of Defense) standard 5220.22-M.